Sustainable development
Type of economic development which preserves resources and respects the environment and social obligations, for example in terms of quality working conditions and decent and adequate pay.

| March 5, 2025Adapting workplaces to climate change
The recently published Lancet Countdown report for Europe demonstrates that climate change is already affecting human beings and societies as a whole. It focuses on the adverse health effects, underlining the need for ‘rapid health-responsive climate mitigation and adaptation actions’. The workplace is a key area for such actions.

| January 14, 2025Neo-humanism for a Sustainable Urban Future
Neo-humanism presents a comprehensive framework for urban planning and policy that aims to create resilient, sustainable, and thriving cities, rooted in equity and collective responsibility. In practice, this approach advocates for people-centered urban design that prioritizes inclusivity, social justice, and ecological balance over economic needs. Cities should be organized in ways that reduce inequality by providing affordable housing, quality healthcare, and accessible public transportation. At the same time, promoting green infrastructure and strengthening community bonds are key to fostering healthier, more integrated and socially cohesive urban environments.

| November 28, 2024Towards socially inclusive carbon policy in Luxembourg
What is the carbon inequality in Luxembourg? How do consumption emissions compare with the climate targets? Who are the highest and lowest emitters, and what do they consume? The answers to these questions will be key in the design of socially inclusive carbon policies in Luxembourg.

| March 20, 2024Working time reduction – good for employees, good for the climate
In the debate on climate change, what we consume, how we get around and where we go on holiday have all been featured. To reduce emissions however, we not only need to rethink our consumption, but also the activity that occupies most of our time: employment.

| November 23, 2023Worauf es in der Klimakrise ankommt: Demokratie, Freiheit und Soziales im heißen Zeitalter
Luxemburg hat gewählt. Erneut! Es ist noch nicht lange her, da buhlten Altparteien und ebenso neue Gruppierungen um die größten Stimmenanteile der wahlberechtigten Luxemburger. Dabei sind diese nach Corona, Energiekrise und Inflation müde und leidgeplagt. Wer hat noch Lust auf Krisenmodus im Jahr 2023? Dabei sind jetzt gerade die entscheidenden Jahre, um noch etwas gegen die vermeintlich größte aller Aufgaben zu tun. Die Klimakrise! Jedoch spielte das Klima bei vielen Parteien und Wählern lediglich eine untergeordnete Rolle im Wahlkampf.

| November 2, 2023Methods to measure and (not) achieve societal progress
How can we increase happiness, that is, how can societies progress? The answer is not national income (GDP) growth alone. In 1974, Richard Easterlin first documented how happiness did not increase in correspondence with GDP growth. This still holds today. For example, while GDP per capita (adjusted for inflation) has more than doubled in the United States since the early 1970s, happiness has declined. China serves as another example. From 1990 to 2015, GDP per capita increased by a factor of five, yet again, happiness, if anything, declined.

| June 5, 2023How to lead happy lives in post-growth societies
The overemphasis on GDP as a measure of success has diverted attention from crucial aspects of people’s lives, such as their relationships with others and the environment. The erosion of the social and natural environments results from such myopic thinking, and highlights the need for a paradigm shift. Prioritizing well-being through the promotion of social relations and cooperation can bring far-reaching social and environmental benefits without economic sacrifices.

| May 8, 2023Carbon taxation and carbon subsidies in Luxembourg
With the implementation of a carbon tax in 2021, Luxembourg has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint. While this explicit price on carbon joins a well-established set of taxes directly linked to greenhouse gas emissions, there are still counteractive subsidies in effect. In this article, we will delve into the details of carbon taxation and subsidies in Luxembourg and how they align with the country’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

| January 11, 2023Di ekologesch an di sozial Froen sinn 2 Säiten vun enger Medaile – en Appell fir se och gemeinsam unzegoen!
Die Einführung von Ökosteuern als Umweltinstrument wurde bereits in den Wahlversprechen der Parteien Luxemburgs und formal in der Regierungserklärung vom 22. Juli 1994 festgehalten.