Fiscal policy
Fiscal policy is the use made by the state of the budget (planned expenditure and revenue over a fixed period of time) to implement government policies in different areas such as social protection.

| November 5, 2024Dépenses de pensions : enjeu incertain, mais tout à fait maîtrisable
Le catastrophisme qui règne dans le débat actuel sur la situation financière du système de pension peut être interprété comme un discours qui vise à justifier des coupes dans les transferts sociaux/pensions. En réalité, les projections à très long terme (jusqu’à 50 ans dans le futur) qui sont souvent utilisées pour propager ce catastrophisme sont tout simplement trop incertaines pour justifier ces coupes.

| June 11, 2024EU debt rules: a wave of cuts is rolling towards the Eurozone
After years of debates, the Commission, Council, and Parliament have agreed on a reform of the fiscal rules at the last minute before the EU elections. These determine how much debt the Member States are allowed to have – and consequently, how radically they have to cut spending or raise taxes. Due to the rules now in force, a series of billion-euro consolidation packages can be expected by 2028, which are very likely to put the brakes on the economy, the welfare state, and climate protection.