The blog improof is a platform for reflection on how to achieve a fair and sustainable economy which takes full account of the value and worth of social and environmental aspects so as to respond to present-day needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to do likewise.
Bringing together the various contributions published on this blog serves multiple purposes: to create a body of ideas tending towards balanced progress, to shed light on the national conversation in Luxembourg, to help influence the national and European economy in a positive direction, so that all human beings benefit from it and so that they can lead a peaceful and dignified existence in tune with the planet’s natural environment. The blog therefore focuses on a number of topics pertaining to economic and social policy.
It highlights the contributions of authors who seek to address the following topics:
- high-quality and meaningful work,
- ecological and social sustainability,
- ecologically and socially sustainable consumption,
- socio-economic development,
- distributive justice and social cohesion,
- combating all types of exclusion and inequality,
- initial and ongoing training / lifelong learning, encompassing all aspects of life.
The blog places itself on the side of working people and of any citizen, company, or institution seeking to contribute to social progress.
Authors featured in the blog may be members of the publisher’s organization or active elsewhere.
Improof is an initiative of the Chamber of employees Luxembourg (CSL).

Articles published in this blog do not reflect the views of the coordinating committee or the publisher. Authors remain fully responsible for their contributions. Any productive intellectual debate is founded on diversity of opinions. The blog may therefore feature a wide range of diverse views and analyses. The coordinating committee and publisher cannot accept any responsibility for the views expressed here. No text can be reproduced in full or in part without the express consent of the author and acknowledgment of the source.